A Critical Review on Nature of Employment Relationship in Hotel


Sep x, 2020

Approx. 6 min. read

What Are Employee Relations and Why They Are Important

Employee relations (a.yard.a. employee relationship management) have a direct influence on employee satisfaction and date. Therefore, many...

Employee relations

Employee relations (a.yard.a. employee human relationship management) have a straight influence on employee satisfaction and engagement. Therefore, many companies today invest more resource to improve employee relations and keep their workplaces healthy.

In this blog, we volition define employee relations, explain the difference between employee relations and employee human relationship management, and describe why they are important for organizational success.

What Are Employee Relations?

Employee relations is a term used to draw relations betwixt employers and employees. Today's organizations are striving to become more than agile, faster, and transparent. For that reason, the focus on employee communications is bigger than ever earlier.

The main goal of every employee relations strategy is to ameliorate relationships and collaboration in the workplace.

Adept leadership is ranked as i of the nigh important factors that concenter new candidates and go on existing employees. In that sense, employee relations oft focus on helping line managers truly connect with their employees.

💡 Earlier we swoop in, check out our article on Employee Engagement, its Drivers, Benefits and the Ways to Increase it

Employee Relations vs. Employee Relationship Direction (ERM)

While employee relations is a term used to depict employee relationships inside an system, employee relationship direction is used to describe the process of creating good relations in the workplace.

Employee relationship management happens when an employer manages the human relationship betwixt all employees in the company. It covers the entire employee journey - it starts from an employee's first day and lasts until they get out the company.


Good employee relationship management goes far beyond whether or not you and your employees get forth. Proper employee relationship management must include effective communication, employee appointment initiatives, a structured employee feel plan, and the implementation of the correct tools and engineering.

7 Reasons Why Employee Relations Are Important

Companies with skilful employee relationships enjoy many benefits. In general, information technology is easier for them to appoint, motivate, empathize and go along their employees.

Here are only a few benefits of building a positive employee relations workplace.

Employee engagement

According to research nearly employee date, ninety% of leaders understand how important employee engagement is. Nevertheless, only 50% of them know how to address this effect.

Here, employee relations play a crucial role. It has been proven that companies with better employee communications have much higher rates of employee engagement.

Here are a few tips to improve employee communications to drive better employee appointment include:

  • Share, review and update employee expectations.
  • Encourage open advice to identify obstacles and issues.
  • Don't neglect consistent feedback and recognition.
  • Encourage discussion and sharing of thoughts.

Why should you care about employee date at your workplace, you may ask?

Employee satisfaction

Employee appointment is ofttimes related to employee satisfaction. Less engaged employees are less satisfied. Poor employee relations tin can be ane of the primary causes for that.

Moreover, 65% of US employees say that communications by their employer impact job satisfaction. 45% of them say that their employer does not do a practiced job communicating with employees.

Employee productivity

Employee satisfaction and engagement boost employee productivity. Companies with well-structured employee relations enjoy college productivity, revenues, and profits. Moreover, organizations with highly engaged employees accept an average 3-year acquirement growth that is two.3 times greater than companies with less engaged teams.

If your employees know exactly what their goals are and if you lot give them constant feedback on their work, they will piece of work harder towards achieving their goals.

Check out these 5 tips to improve employee productivity with better communications.


Employee retention

High employee turnover is ane of the biggest problems companies face today. The price of an employee leaving is significant. Therefore, many employees try to avoid that expense.

Employee retention can exist improved in many ways. Employee relationship management is one of them.

Employees who feel similar they don't know what is going on in the company feel frustrated and isolated. As a result, they experience insecure and oft consider new job opportunities.

Employee advancement

Employee advocacy is a benefit many companies are trying to accomplish. The ability to attain employees' connections and use your company's social capital to its full potential can have a large touch on the visitor's visibility, brand awareness and productivity.

In gild to achieve employee advocacy, employers take to be fix to amend employee relations. They need to keep employees in the loop and share of import content.

Employee experience

Similar to employee satisfaction, expert employee experience is one of the biggest proofs of healthy workplace civilization.

To evangelize a good employee feel, employers demand to be fix to amend the manner they communicate with employees. Open and transparent communication helps employees feel involved, which often leads to higher employee engagement.

In contrast, poor employee communications pb to insecurity, lack of engagement, and honesty in the workplace.

Employee empowerment

Millennials and younger generations want to exist involved in many aspects of a business. They desire to accept a certain level of decision-making power.

This is called employee empowerment. It involves giving employees responsibility and autonomy to manage their ain work and brand decisions to achieve their own goals.

In order to empower your employees, you lot demand to have skillful employee relations and communications strategies.

For employees to experience empowered, they need to sympathize clearly what your company'southward mission and vision are. Too, they have to be able to sympathize how their piece of work contributes to the overall business success.

Trust is crucial for successful employee empowerment. Managers who trust their employees and communicate the company'southward strategy and goals regularly often accept no problems giving more ability to their employees.

How to Implement an Employee Relations Plan

The very first step towards planning and implementing a successful employee relations strategy is to take a set up of clearly written policies.

Employee relations policies should depict the employer'due south philosophy, rules, and procedures for handling employee-related matters and resolving bug in the workplace.

In addition, it is important to understand that employee relationship management programs are not one-size-fits-all solutions.

What works in a company with 100 employees in the United states of america may not work for a visitor of 5000 employees in Mainland china. In other words, employee relations programs vary based on company size, location, industry, civilisation, and many other factors.

However, there are a few characteristics of every good employee relations plan:

  • Aid employees empathize your mission and vision
  • Prove them how their job aligns with your mission and vision
  • Communicate with employees frequently
  • Give employees feedback
  • Reward them for good work

What Do Employee Relations Professionals Do

Having an Employee Relations Professional, especially in big companies, is critical for better employee communications.

These professionals are either a function of communications or HR departments. Their chief task is to keep employees informed and to ensure that company policies and procedures are followed.

Employee Relations Specialist Duties and Responsibilities

Here are some of the most important duties and responsibilities of Employee Relations/Relationship Managers and Specialists:

  • Manage employee files
  • Share company news
  • Share policies and procedures updates
  • Monitor compliance with policies and procedures
  • Recruit employees
  • Assist in the hiring processes
  • Encourage employees for advocacy
  • Manage relationships between employer and employees
  • Collaborate in employee go out processes
  • Aid in writing employee handbook

How to Ameliorate Employee Relations at Your Visitor?

Using digital solutions to improve your employee relations efforts has become a must.

These solutions tin can help you significantly to better communicate with your employees and make them more engaged and productive.

Feeling inspired? Schedule a demo to see how Haiilo can help you excel your communications strategy.

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Source: https://blog.smarp.com/what-are-employee-relations-and-why-are-they-important

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